Thursday, April 28, 2011

In honor of the royal wedding...William & Kate cupcakes.
Cupcakes bakery

Prince William's Groom"s Cake...

Everyone has Royal Wedding fever these days so I decided to check out as much about the 'Royal' treats as I could.  The cake is as hush hush as the wedding gown, however, the baker and the flavor of  Prince William's Groom's cake has been revealed. 

It is really a large cookie rather than a cake.  And does not have to be baked at all.  It is a refrigerator cookie, very chocolaty and very crisp.  I think we will make it tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Really love Bakugan? We can do almost anything on your cupcakes.
Cupcakes bakery

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring is here...sort of

If the thermometer where you live has you confused as to whether it is truly spring, you are not alone.  In many parts of the country this has been the coldest spring in history.  That means planting crops has been delayed and in some instances fruit trees and vines may have sustained damage. What does this mean to our loyal cupcake aficionados?  We have seen price increases across the board on supplies.  We are doing everything to maintain our pricing and still bring you our delicious, mouth watering confections.  What can you do to help?  Buy, buy, buy.  It is no secret that the larger the quantities of commodities that we buy the better the pricing.  So thank you all for your continued support.  And remember that the sun is always shining in our bright yellow shop!